Grounded in the normal variations of healthy pregnancies, labors, births, postpartums, lactation, and babies, I assist you in navigating the childbearing year and share skilled care, knowledgeable vigilance, and evidence-based considerations. You tell me what is best for you and your family. Wherever it takes you, whatever it asks of you, we listen to your body, baby, and labor every step of the way, and I work to safeguard the process without diminishing your power as you do your big work.
Prenatal care together emphasizes contextual whole-self strength and wellbeing, whatever that means for you. Our visits follow standard prenatal scheduling – once a month for the first 28 weeks, followed by every 2 weeks until 36, then weekly until birth. Visits are about 1 hour long and take place at my home office with a visit to your home toward the end of pregnancy. If partnered, their involvement in care is encouraged. Kiddos, loved ones, and support folks are always welcome. During our visits, I assess vitals including blood pressure, and check in on you and your experience of pregnancy – any feelings, complaints, processing, questions or concerns that you have, your cares, and preparations you are making for birth. Together, we visit babe to measure their growth, listen to heart tones, and determine their position. I offer all standard labs, testing, and screenings, including referral for ultrasound. I guide you through all decisions you may be considering, discussing your options, reviewing the research, and evaluating how it may apply to you. As your midwife, I am always on call for you should you have any questions or concerns between our visits. Email, texts and calls are welcomed and encouraged.
Intrapartum care safeguards you and your baby while supporting your labor and family in ways that work best for you, your baby, and your labor. I am grounded in variations of normal and consider listening to bodies and people, communication, and space holding critical pillars of home midwifery care. Careful assessments and vigilance include listening to your body’s work and keeping you all informed on the course of your labor, regular monitoring of fetal heart tones and your vitals, and maintaining space for you to trust your power and find your way. All of your decisions are discussed, well-informed, and supported. Close to birth time, a second midwife joins us as my assistant. Following the birth of your baby and placenta, we remain with you for at least 2 hours often more, until you and baby are stable and well and your family is comfortable with our departure. I monitor and assess bleeding along with baby’s and your vitals, examine your tissues for and address any tearing, perform a comprehensive newborn exam, and assist you in your first moments of nursing. Your space is protected and cleaned throughout. When I leave your home, your family is strong and tucked into bed. I remain on call for you 24/7.
Postpartum care together encompasses the first 6 weeks or so after birth and is whole-family care for a healthy you and family. Together, we navigate your physical and emotional healing, nurturing your nursing relationship, strengthening family sleep, mental wellbeing, and finding your new balance as a family – whatever these look like for you. Encouraging trust in your instincts, I address any questions and concerns that you have, and we strategize cares and supports together in ways that are best for you and your family. I assess your vitals and healing (including bleeding, tearing, sore nipples, mastitis, etc), file your baby’s birth certificate, administer Rhogam if needed and wanted, and perform all routine newborn procedures and screenings you choose. Visits at your home take place during day 1, day 3, and week 2, with a final visit back at my office at week 6. All visits are 3-in-1 (a you visit, a baby visit, a lactation visit) and at least 1 hour long. I’m still available to you 24/7 for any concerns or questions between visits.
For the first 6 weeks of life, healthy babies receive all newborn care in the comfort of home. I support your instincts and needs as parents every step of the way. In the first hours after birth, I do a comprehensive newborn exam, carefully assessing your baby’s systemic physical development and function, gestational age, and measurements. If you so choose, I perform all standard newborn procedures and screenings including the newborn metabolic screen, congenital heart defect screen, hearing screen, and administering erythromycin and Vitamin K. Footprints and paperwork for your baby’s birth certificate are also offered. At each visit, I evaluate your baby’s heart, lungs, temperature, weight, skin, and general appearance including jaundice. We discuss baby’s behavior and patterns, any questions and concerns that you have, and engage in plenty of poop talk! Each visit includes lactation care with ongoing support in between. Healthy babies typically see their doctor for the first time around 8 weeks of age. A copy of your birth summary including newborn exam, and after birth visit notes are provided to your family’s physician for your health record and continuity of care.
If at any point during our full course of care together, consultation with, referral to, or transfer of care to a hospital midwife or physician is recommended for either you or your baby, we will discuss considerations and options together, including risks, benefits, and alternatives. All of your decisions are well-informed and supported.