QTPoM is free and open to all in the alphabet soup (LGBTQIPAD2S) who are pregnant, currently welcoming to their family, and/or parenting kiddos 17 and under – plus their kids, of course!
The group has historically been both a play date and connection for parents. It is part social, part discussion-based, and very organic information.
For the first 15 minutes, we all get cozy and settled as folks arrive. We then introduce ourselves and respond to the topic of the day if we choose one. There is space to continue discussing the topic or move on to other matters and, of course, for toddler playtime.
Occasionally, we do story time or music and motion with the kiddos. Often, everyone just hangs out!
The monthly group is currently on hiatus. If you would like to resume or even reimagine regular meet ups, please be in touch. I’m happy to help you relaunch it in your vision. This group is for families and should serve your needs, even as they may change over time.
The facebook group and the google group continue to be a place of connection for parents.